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Structuring the API

Kleuth uses the directory tree to map requests to handler functions. To create REST API routes, simply create a directory structure that mirrors the expected routing of the API.

These docs use the example below, where kleuth.core.pathToRoot has been set to io/alienhead/pizza_restaurant/api/rest.

Pizza Restauruant REST API

Defining the API#

A url path segment is defined by creating a directory. The pizzas directory in the example corresponds to the url /pizzas. Request Handler classes are created inside those directories to handle specific request methods at that route. The GetPizzas class handles GET requests to /pizzas.


If there are multiple words in a path segment, it is conventional to separate them with hyphens (-). Kotlin and Java do not allow for hyphens in package names. Use camel case in a directory name and Kleuth will convert it to hyphenated (also known as kebab case).

In the example, the directory deliveryDriver will be converted to delivery-driver.

Overriding the Path#

If for some reason the directory structure cannot match the REST API, the path can be manually set in the request handler class.

Full Example#

The example directory structure would map to the following REST API

GET /coupons
GET /orders
POST /orders
GET /orders/{id}
GET /orders/{id}/coupons
GET /orders/{id}/delivery-driver
POST /orders/{id}/delivery-driver/assign
PUT /orders/{id}/delivery-driver/assign
GET /pizzas
GET /pizzas/{id}

(POST /orders/{id}/delivery-driver/assign and PUT /orders/{id}/delivery-driver/assign are both defined in the EditDeliveryDriver class.)